The Euroleague Basketball Institute Annual Workshops continued apace on Monday and Tuesday as head coaches from throughout the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague met with Euroleague Basketball executives.
EuroLeague head coaches take the stage at EB Institute Annual Workshops

They met to discuss the steps forward to the competition's return for the 2020-21 season, starting on October 1.
The gathering honors a long tradition of exchange between Euroleague Basketball and its important stakeholders, in this case head coaches, who met virtually for more than 12 hours over two days to talk about everything from finances to flopping and multiple subjects in between.
Jordi Bertomeu, Euroleague Basketball's President and CEO, opened Monday's institutional meeting by updating the coaches on the organization's objective to reaching a European Framework Agreement with the EuroLeague Head Coaches Board (EHCB), keeping the health and safety of all participants as a priority going forward, as it was when the 2019-20 season was canceled before completion due to the COVID-19 global pandemic.
"Coaches are more than stakeholders in the EuroLeague; they are an integral part of making our game better each season for the fans," Mr. Bertomeu said. "As such, we value the input and opinions they express at these annual meetings and throughout the year. Their concerns are our concerns, and we cherish the opportunity to work together to resolve them."
The head coaches were also briefed on the EuroLeague brand strategy and positioning, building on the authenticity, cultural impact, creativity and pioneering spirit that long-term market research showed to be the values identified with the EuroLeague by fans and stakeholders alike.
Next, they received a review of the competition's finances, including breakdowns of the general revenue sources and expense structures of the clubs, along with Euroleague Basketball's efforts for clubs to achieve the necessary economic stability needed to foster consistent long-term growth for all participants.
Several EHCB proposals, including the introduction of the Euroleague Basketball Dispute Resolution Chamber, were put into place last season, which ended with a settlement agreement between the clubs and head coaches when the season was cancelled. They discussed EuroLeague club proposals to introduce force majeure contract protection mechanisms in the uncertain economic environment due to COVID-19 while all parties continue to work on a European Framework Agreement.
Dr. Ignacio Muro, Euroleague Basketball Medical Officer, shared the study made of club medical staffs this past season, discussing the varying requirements from public health authorities in different countries due to COVID-19.
The coaches were back together on Tuesday to meet with Richard Stokes, Euroleague Basketball Senior Director, Officiating, to analyze in-game situations so as to have a common understanding of rules and their interpretations going into the new season. Among the issues discussed in their eight-hour session were rule changes, unsportsmanlike fouls, landing space on jump shots, freedom of movement situations, travelling violations and behavioral issues including flopping.
The July sessions of the EB Institute Annual Workshops will conclude on Wednesday with a meeting of 7DAYS EuroCup head coaches with the Euroleague Basketball officiating department. The workshops will continue in early September with meetings of EuroLeague players, security managers and One Team representatives.