Grew up with USK Prague (Czech Republic) junior team.
Made his debut with USK Prague during the 2009-10 season.
Moved to Spain for the 2010-11 season, signed by Baloncesto Sevilla, also played for Baloncesto Sevilla 2nd team, LEB.
Played with Baloncesto Sevilla till the 2015-16 championship.
Moved to Germany for the 2016-17 season, signed by FC Bayern Munich.
In January'17 back to Spain, signed by Estudiantes Madrid.
Signed for the 2017-18 season by CB Gran Canaria.
Signed for the 2019-20 season by Bilbao Basket.
Moved to Japan for the 2021-22 season, signed by Gunma Crane Thunders.
Moved to Ukraine for the 2022-23 season, signed by Prometey Slobozhanske.
He's still playing there.